Friday, August 30, 2019

"The Pretenders Guild" Review

Publisher:  Minyan Studios


Genre:  Visual Novel

Summary:  Former cooks Ash and Paris pretend to be adventurers to make money by escorting a rich noble.

Gameplay:  Gameplay consists of tonally-noted decisions (there is option for an after-decision sparkle reveal of whether it was an optimal decision for the chosen romance path.)

Style:  The art is very colorful with a somewhat anime style.  The characters have a nice variety of expressions and cutaways ably help set scenes and actions.  The main character's race, sex, gender, hair, skin, and eyes are customizable.

Backgrounds are a bit repetitive, but do the job of establishing place.  This is helped by cutaways of a map that shows the group's movement as they journey and by nice moody transitions using evening and night sky.  The music is good.  There are occasional typos.

Story:  The Pretenders' Guild has a fun sense of humor and an interesting setting with three distinct races.  Being able to customize the main character so adds variety to the already great story, as of course do the three different romances.

Conclusion:  The Pretenders' Guild has lots of options, romance, fun humor, and a neat setting.  It's great.

Friday, August 23, 2019

"Jones on Fire" Review

Publisher:  Glass Bottom Games

Genre:  Scroller

Summary:  Jones rescues kittens from a great fire.

Gameplay:  Through increasingly hazardous runs, Jones can jump or slide under to avoid fires or burning logs and save kittens.  Completing certain goals and rescuing special golden kittens creates currency to purchase consumable power-ups or permanent ability increases.

Style:  The game uses a simple, super-blocky style that conveys just enough detail with nary a curve to be found.  The music is catchy, and the game's instructions and descriptions have a cheery humor.

Story:  ...Jones rescues kittens from a great fire.  There's not more here than said in the summary.

Conclusion:  Jones on Fire offers a straightforward game that's fun and engaging in its own style.