Saturday, January 11, 2020

"Dragon Age: Origins The Stone Prisoner" DLC Review

Publisher:  Bioware

Genre:  RPG

Summary:  The Warden finds a golem to join their group.

Gameplay:  Shale, the golem, does not equip weapons or armor, but uses special elemental crystals for those purposes.  The golem has its own special ability trees that are different modes geared towards offense or aiding the other characters.  This makes the character different but rather finicky to use in combat (not that it much matters on easy mode.)

Style:  The new areas added to the game are nice.  The Deep Roads section in particular is pretty, given the lackluster presentation of the area previously in the game.

Story:  Shale is a good character who talks with the other party members and comments on events and locations as much as any of the others.  The quest to get the golem is interesting and having the character adds more emotion to the game's golem elements.

Conclusion:  Shale doesn't add a lot to the party mechanically, but is a fun party member providing some neat extra missions and lore.