Tuesday, September 21, 2021

"The Captain's Log" Review

Genre:  Simulation

Summary:  After a botched jump, you must get your spaceship crew the over eighty thousand light years home.

Gameplay:  Home (and its distance away) is always visible.  Bars indicate the levels you have of various resources, and nearby stars are color-coded to indicate which resources they have (but not how much.)  Run out of food and water and people start dying.  Run out of fuel and travel slows to a crawl.  Get enough wormhole material and you can jump large distances.

Occasionally your crew will make improvements (or you will have to choose between two improvements.)  Sometimes you can risk crew lives to get more resources.

Style:  The Captain's Log uses a simple but effective design of spheres for star systems, a line for your course, a simple ship design, lovely music, and text for everything else.

Story:  The titular captain's log provides the story of the journey home.  It's light on much detail, though there's enough to spark the imagination.  I would have liked a little bit more with additional events and variety.