Publisher: Bioware
Genre: RPG
Summary: You return to Ostagar after the battle.
Gameplay: There are a couple new types of darkspawn and undead, but nothing too unusual.
Style: Ostagar was always well-designed, and it still looks good all strewn with snow. Everything is unnecessarily labeled; I would have preferred to rely on my own memory to compare. There are also some flashbacks to the battle to reinforce locations, which feel like cheats, especially since the character didn't have the viewpoint for some of them, and you just know Bioware wanted to milk those admittedly awesome sequences again.
Story: It's a short, simple story of wandering through the remnants (Cailan's letters add some interesting knowledge to Fereldan's politics, but nothing game-changing.) Only Alistair and Wynne have anything to say. It makes sense because they were there for the battle, but it would have been nice if the other characters could have commented too.
Conclusion: Return to Ostagar doesn't add much and isn't complex, but is nice for what it is, some good loot and a reminiscence on a momentous part of the story.