Genre: Adventure
Summary: Bent is a burnt-out scientist. Fay is a time traveler from the future who insists his research could prevent the polluted, hopeless world she comes from. Together can they figure their way through evil schemes and possible paradoxes to save the world?
Gameplay: As is admittedly usual for me, I was mostly lost when it came to the puzzles. Fortunately, there is a file, so I could look up solutions as needed.
Mechanically, most interaction is accomplished via left-clicking, with holding the button down bringing up multiple options. I mention this because several times I would forget and right-click (which opens the inventory.)
Also, this is not a game originally in English (as you might infer from the fact that there is a protagonist named "Bent"), but I still thought the voice acting was good. There were a couple times the subtitles didn't match (including even a few times they didn't match the actual dialogue balloons during cutscene panels) and some bugged moments when the interaction wheel descriptions popped up in Cyrillic for some reason.
Style: I absolutely adored the comic book style animation, which includes cutscenes as paneled pages. The colors are vibrant and the designs stand out. It really gives the game a memorable look and feel. Between the animation and the environmental theme, I was fondly reminded of Captain Planet. It helps that the past portion of the game is set in the eighties', although it took some time before that was clear to me (leaving me very confused at the use of video tapes at certain points.)
Story: Overall, I liked the characters and story, especially the time travel and dystopian polluted future bits. There's a twist near the end, however, that confused me and somewhat weakened the game overall for me. (I'll discuss it further in a spoiler post.) Still, it was an interesting journey with memorable moments and characters that was worth taking.
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