Sunday, March 3, 2019

"The Blackwell Convergence" Review

Publisher:  Wadjet Eye Games

Genre:  Adventure

Summary:  Rosangela and her ghostly guide Joey investigate deaths that seem to be connected to a mysterious ghost.

Gameplay:  As with the previous Blackwell game, puzzles often involve switching to Joey to make use of incorporeal ghostly skills.  There is still much investigating and asking questions, plus email hacking via finding passwords.  It can be a bit annoying trying to pick or type the exact right question.

Style:  The style is much the same standard adventure-game graphics and blues-music.  Some scanning backgrounds during the beginning and ending sequences and rain effects during parts add a little extra.

Story:  I greatly enjoyed the story back in "Blackwell Unbound" so it was a pleasant surprise to see elements of it revisited here.  The hints of the mysteries of the Blackwell setting are the game's greatest strength, but they are only touched on in this game.  The other elements of the story provide some interesting New York City history, but suffer for randomness in connection and pacing.

Conclusion:  "The Blackwell Convergence" works well as a continuation in the Blackwell series.  Investment in the characters and setting helps cover the occasional irritating puzzle.

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