Sunday, February 4, 2018

"Dragon Age II Legacy" DLC Review

Publisher:  Bioware/EA

Genre:  RPG

Summary:  An attack by the Carta leads Hawke to investigate an ancient Grey Warden prison in the mountains and discover secrets of the past.

Gameplay:  Combat is the same as the rest of the game, although there are some new darkspawn enemy types.  There are a couple minor puzzles, mostly optional.

Style:  The Warden prison in all its layers is atmospheric and interesting, as are the new stylized darkspawn designs.

Story:  The backstory involving Hawke's father (and possible involvement of Hawke's sibling in discovering this backstory) is nice, and I always enjoy learning more about the Wardens and Thedas lore.  However, all of the fighting dwarves and darkspawn in and down and then up again really drags, especially on replays.

The ending might feel disheartening to some given later revelations (the choice at the end, for example, is actually moot.)  I still enjoy having a choice, however, and something being ultimately depressing certainly fits in with the rest of Dragon Age II, anyway.

Conclusion:  Although it adds to the world of Thedas and has some nice character moments, I wish "Legacy" wasn't so long and had less combat.

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